Our flagship program is tailored specifically for seasoned C-level executives. It offers an accelerated leadership stimulus through our meticulously curated peer groups. The HiveQ Advanced Executive Program fosters leadership, learning and connections that resonate at the highest echelons of business.

Leveraged Peer-to-Peer Masterclasses

  • Curated framework for executive development
  • 12- 15 C–Level executives per group (HIVE)
  • Masterclass sessions are monthly and face-to-face
  • Advanced Masterclass sessions are offered three times per year and bring multiple HIVES together to enable powerful network introductions
  • Expert resources aligned to curriculum and emerging issues are offered monthly
  • Professional development points aligned (CPA, CAANZ, AICD, Law Society)
  • Careful to avoid conflict of interests
  • Underpinned by trust – Chatham House Rules.

Advanced Masterclasses

  • Masterclasses includes the following formats: fireside chat; interview; discourse; think tank; workshop and roundtable
  • Masterclasses are 4 hours and include breakfast, lunch or dinner and light refreshments
  • Advanced Masterclasses are held with noteworthy and inspiring speakers
  • Inter Hive networking enabled at Advanced Masterclass events.